The Wheel
The Motivation and Engagement Wheel is a practical multi-factor approach to student motivation and engagement.
The Wheel comprises:
Positive Motivation: Self-belief, Valuing, Learning Focus
Positive Engagement: Planning, Task Management, Persistence
Negative Motivation: Anxiety, Failure Avoidance, Uncertain Control
Negative Engagement: Self-sabotage, Disengagement
The Wheel is the conceptual basis of:
The Motivation and Engagement Scale (Click Here), the Student Motivation and Engagement Workbook (Click Here), and Staff Training (Click Here)
To download a PDF of the Motivation and Engagement Wheel, Click Here
The Motivation and Engagement Wheel is more fully discussed in:
Martin, A.J. (2003). How to Motivate Your Child for School and Beyond. Sydney: Bantam
Martin, A.J. (2005). How to Help Your Child Fly Through Life: The 20 Big Issues. Sydney Bantam
Martin, A.J. (2010). Building Classroom Success: Eliminating Academic Fear and Failure. London: Continuum
Information about these books, Click Here